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I’m off to a doo next week and I was chatting to @deborahmeaden (as us ladies do most mornings in the makeup chair while we’re on set filming) saying I needed a nice new dress (as I’ve had a big clear out of my size 16’s and I’m now into a 12!) and she immediately jumped in and said I should try some of @hopeivylondon ’s dresses They are a company she invested in through the den before my time there and she’s always raving about them - what a fabulous company they are and how beautiful their dresses are, so I told her to pick out a few designs that she felt I would look nice in and send them up and I’d choose one from there. And they arrived this week so I’ve done a big try on! I’m thinking the red one for the doo, (but Simon thinks the last one…) but I bloody love them all! I think some of these would be fabulous for my holidays in the summer (and I think my mam would look great in the blue one so we could share that…) Basically I think I’m talking myself into keeping them all - what do you think?